Agility Spectacular

Hello friends and happy human holiday (or as I like to call it, Caturday that never ends)!  Today we’re at home relaxing, but that is because we had not one but TWO days of rah-gility this weekend.  The first day we went on a long car ride to the special AKC trial hosted by the English Springer Spaniel Association, where I met a bunch of other agility Springers.  It was a lot of fun.  And I got a ribbon that says I’m the Best Springer!


Then on Sunday, we went to the ARFF trial, which is the group we practice with every week.  It was really fun having all our friends at the same trial.  And all the agility obstacles were what we usually practice on, so even Lacie had a stellar day.  She got 2 Q’s, and one of them was a first place!  I guess she’s been studying how I jump, because if you remember her last trial recap, it didn’t go so well.  I also got a Q, which means I’m one Qualifying run away from my Agility Dog Title.  It’s so close I can taste it!
Instead of pictures, my parents took a bunch of videos, so you can watch them below and it’s almost like you’re there with us.  Enjoy!


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